Nov9/12 ~ 21 months old Strabismus surgery.
Oct4/12 Constipation not resolving, started using PEG.
Aug1/12 ~ 18 months old Off prevacid, the last of Samuel's medications
Jul1/12 ~ 17 months old ONE year since Samuel came home.
May22/12 Passed 8 kg mark. Done with all NG tube top-ups!
May1/12 ~ 15 months old Eating well with NG tube top-ups while getting over a cold.
Apr4/12 Happy Breath-Day. ONE year since Sam was extubated.
Apr2/12 ~ 14 months old Audiology exam passed! Hearing is normal!
Mar28/12 Had first major respiratory illness - NO hospital trips!
Feb27/12 Home from hospital 19 days post-op (with 8 days in ICU).
NO oxygen, eating orally with NG top-ups as needed.
Feb9/12 SURGERY - lattisimus dorsi muscle flap diaphragm repair
Jan16/12 ~ 11 months old REHERNIATION #2 (3 months after last repair).
Dec1/11 ~ 10 months old Off ALL oxygen! Overnight oximetry was great.
Nov1/11 ~ 9 months old Off daytime oxygen! On 1/8 litre of oxygen at night.
Oct21/11 Home from hospital 6 days post-op (with 1 night in ICU).
On 1/8 litre of oxygen, eating orally with NG top-ups.
Oct16/11 SURGERY – patch repair for reherniation of diaphragm.
Oct1/11 ~ 8 months old On 1/8 litre of oxygen with room air 'sprints'
Sept12/11 Echo shows no pulmonary hypertension!
Last cardiopulmonary med (aldactizide) is stopped.
Sept1/11 ~ 7 months old On 1/4 litre of oxygen with room air 'sprints' on room air.
Stopped NG tube top-ups!!
Aug1/11~ 6 months old On 1/4 litre of oxygen, fed 75% by bottle with NG tube.
July1/11 ~ 5 months old On 1/2 litre of oxygen, fed 50% by bottle with NG tube.
Meds are aldactizide, zantac and iron.
June28/11 DISCHARGED from Hospital after 148 days (with 91 in ICU).
June 24/11 Diagnosed with ocular albinism, unrelated to CDH.
June21/11 Pulmonary hypertension resolving and Sildenafil discontinued
May14/11 Off all sedation drugs at last
May4/11 First attempts at oral feeding - yay!
May2/11 Left ICU after 91 days and moved to Unit 2.
Apr25/11 Off all antibiotics and moved to regular nasal cannula
Apr18/11 Moved to CPAP - no more ventilator!
Apr4/11 ~ 2 months old EXTUBATED onto BiPAP
Mar18/11 Major femoral blood clot; began enoxiparin injections
Mar16/11 Pneumonia round #2 and a blood sepsis
Mar10/11 Cuddled with Mum, had a bath and wore a sleeper
Feb25/11 ~ 25 days old SURGERY - patch repair of diaphragmatic hernia.
Samuel reveals hidden lungs!!
Feb18/11 Pneumonia round #1
Feb10/11 ~ 10 days old Transported from NICU to Children's Hospital
Feb2/11 Put on oscillating ventilator, on nitric oxide
Feb1/11 (36 weeks) Samuel is born weighing 6.5 pounds.
He did not cry and was intubated and ventilated at birth
Dec3/10 (27 weeks) Severe polyhydramnios diagnosed at ultrasound
Oct13/10 (19 weeks) Fetal MRI shows stomach, bowel and liver completely in
Samuel's chest and predicts 22.5% fetal lung volume;
Samuel considered in the most severe range for CDH babies
Oct11/10 (19 weeks) Fetal echocardiogram show Samuel's heart is "perfect"
Aug24/10 (13 weeks) Diagnosed with left-sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
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