Monday, March 7, 2011

A setback, a spa treatment, and a special sleeper

Shortly after I finished my blog entry at midnight on Saturday, Samuel started throwing up. He threw up three times that night and so they took him off of his feeds completely, modified his IV nutrition to compensate, and put his ventilator settings back up. So much for increasing feeds and weaning ventilation. An X-ray, a belly ultrasound, and routine sepsis cultures were done the next morning. He is off feeds for five days now while we make sure there is not a problem requiring more attention. So far, the scans look good and so does he. It is possible that the changes were just a little too much, too soon, for our persnickety little boss-man.

Since Samuel was stable this morning, they started the slow wean from one of his narcotics. They also tried to get the ventilator settings back down again but Samuel was not happy with this. After a couple of hours of frustrating his very skilled and attentive respiratory therapist, it was decided to just let him coast for the rest of the day. 

Samuel did tolerate his nurse and I giving him a bath and changing his bedding. Jen and I laid out a basin of warm water, towels, soap, tiny nail clippers, lotion and new blankets. We fussed and cooed over him for some time during this full-on spa treatment. No more dry skin and barfy blankets for this baby. Jen even suggested that we put him in a sleeper, so long as it had snaps so that we could work around his various lines. I happened to have one ready for this moment; a soft blue sleeper that has been worn by all three of his brothers before him. Jen found him a cap and I took many photos of my fourth boy dressed for the first time.

I included a photo of his manicure below. However, I did not take a photo of me teaching Samuel to give the finger. Seconds after his Foley catheter was removed, Samuel peed. Jen and I felt sure that this was a "screw you and your Foley" kind of pee. The boy has attitude, as evidenced by his fight against this whole diaphragmatic hernia doomsday blah blah blah. It seemed apt that he have some new ways to communicate besides desats, grumpy faces, and peeing on things. Yea, so 'flipping the bird' is not the most appropriate, but we work with what we've got at the time. Rage against the machine, little dude.

Sweet Sam with a new lid (to cover the bad 'do).
His first sleeper - previously worn by Daniel, Zachary, and Jacob.
A baby manicure from Mommy.
One more picture. Okay, sorry. I'll stop now.


  1. Don't stop! Lovin' the pics. And lovin' Samuel's 'tude. xo Maya

  2. Ditto! Don't stop as I, too, am loving the pics. I *love* that he's wearing such a special hand-me-down. Rage, dude. Rage, rage, rage. Mx

  3. What about a pedi? So cute in his big brothers' clothes... And that fashionable spring hat!

    ... and like his brothers, he is a bit picky with food, isn't he. No surprise. Here's hoping mom and dad are eating better than baby. Thoughts of you all.

    Hugs & Kisses,
    UJ & Michael

  4. He is a beauty...and an absolute rock star!

  5. How special that all 4 of your boys could wear the same outfit! He's a cutie Corinne! I think you deserve a spa day too!

  6. Ditto to all the above. He's so beautiful wearing his new duds, what a special hand-me-down outfit for him to wear as his first! Be sure to give sweet Sam a special squeeze when you can from Auntie Cath and all the boys here, too.

    Love, hugs and prayers...
    Cathryn, David, Cameron & Colin ♥

  7. He looks very dapper in clothing!

  8. I agree, keep showing and sharing!

    In a way, I was hoping that I would be reading about YOU having a spa treatment. I thought maybe massage folks come around the hospital to offer spa stuff to caregivers watching over their loved ones. However, the way you described Samuel's lovely spa treatment - I totally get why Samuel deserved one too! I am so happy you were able to dress him in YOUR family outfit. So important and lovely.

    If you could, tell me a bit more about you dear Corinne. How about the basics.. where do you sit when with Samuel - is his bed at eye level if you are sitting in a chair or do you need to stand to see him? Do you stick to routine ...e.g., in the morning and then the evening or do you pop in each day whenever you can? I know you said you like to attend the medical rounds - when is that? And.... are you eating and sleeping as best as you can under the circumstances or is it hard to get food in or even a solid sleep? I am just curious about mommy Corinne. No need to answer. Just wonderings. A lot is happening on so many levels.

    You and Chris are such diamond gems .. like the snow flakes you described earlier ...beautiful, unique and so very special. Samuel is so blessed to have 2 incredible parents!!!! And, I am so thankful for the amazing medical team surrounding the baby. Thanks again for sharing your story - this is one story that needs to be told and shared with many!

    Samuel has a message you are conveying to others on his behalf. We are listening.

    In deep care,

  9. The "other" CorinneWednesday, March 09, 2011

    Reading this makes me smile. Thank you, Samuel, for the poo and the pee and the breathing. And "the bird"...

  10. Ahhh those bowels are finicky things! We know this all too well. They are the second brain. They apparently have the almost the same amount of neurological input as the brain so they do take a while to settle down when they are disturbed. Samuel, I do believe I see your Mamma in you!. Love the pics of big bros hanging out and reading books and touching their little bro. The pic with his eyes open melted my heart. He is going to have tales to tell when he is a strapping young man. Lots and lots of love to all of you. The Carr family

  11. It is incredible for you to let us all in to the trials and successes of your family. I have only known you for a short time but I cry tears of love, prayer and support for you, your husband and all four sons. You remind us of the things that are important and the milestones that shouldn't be taken for granted. All our love, positive thoughts and support to you all! I cherish the soul that you expose and the pure love shown through your blog.
    Sonja, Glenn and Liam

  12. Ahhhh. something so comforting about putting on those little jammies.... makes him seem less vulnerable in a way...a teeny bit more munchable if at all possible...mmmm fresh baby....
    Love from Lethbridge

  13. i *love* that he's wearing the same sleeper his brothers wore... loved putting something like that on all of my girls. feels like a completion!

    so happy to hear things are going so much more forward, & that you're getting more time holding samuel, too. hugs as always!
