
Friday, February 25, 2011

Off to surgery

Samuel was cleared to go to surgery this morning at about 11:00 but they weren't sure they were going to have the slot in the operating room. Felt awful to think that he was finally being given the green light and yet we might still not get there. They told us that we would know something by 2:00 p.m. and that, if we hadn't heard anything, it was likely off for today.

Chris and I waited. And waited. At three minutes to 2:00, someone stuck her head in the door to his room and told us that they would be coming to get him within the hour. Our baby Samuel is going to surgery. I will visualize him surrounded by light and cradled by love and many prayers. And I will get to work on that letter advocating for the hospital to carry a liquor license. I mean, seriously!!!



  1. We are praying....

  2. You said it best - your sweet baby is surrounded by light, love and prayers. Much love to you all as you begin the wait, and know that those people in with Samuel in the operating room will do their very best to get that sweet little boy better!


  3. May his light be strong and unwavering...'This little light of his, he's gonna' let it shine' (to the tune of "this little light of mine") and 'Won't let anyone blow it out, he's gonna let it shine...'


  4. Sending lots of "heart warmth" to all of you...

  5. We will continue to pray for Samuel this evening...hugs to you Corinne, if you want us to bring you a thermos of hot chocolate, with a little liquor inside, you just let us know. Love from the Spates

  6. prayers of love and light for samuel and for his family. keep those prayer beads close. the quartz connects little samuel to guan yin, bodhisattva of compassion, protector of mothers and children.
    big love,

  7. I am so thrilled to hear this news, I too am sending lots of happy thoughts and prayers.

    Maybe you could call dial-a-bottle, I think they deliver just about anywhere! ;-)

    Love Susan

  8. We are keeping vigil - holding you and little Samuel in prayer, love, and deep peace. Leonie and Chris

  9. Our thoughts are with all of you, especially Samuel - may his light become only brighter.
    Love from all of us - Netty

  10. Oh my! It is hard to find words for the feeling of great hope and nervousness i feel for you all.

    Dear Dear Samuel, just know that we all love you and wish you incredible Superman sized strength and healing.
    love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love
    Auntie Jenny

  11. UJ just stepped in the door from his flight home from NWT. All of you are in our thoughts and we send all the good energy we have. Love to the whole family, UJ & Michael

  12. Dear Corinne,

    We continue now and always to root for little Samuel, all of us. You must be able to feel the collective feeling of hope we have for Samuel to bravely begin this new part of his life now.

    Lots of love,

  13. Did you get that drink in the hospital yet? I'll sneak you one in...holy doodle and I'll drink one too.

    it's 9 pm on what I'm sure has been an intense day. Reading your notes about the Samuel High when you held him is cherished by this 'step mom' who can't really know what that was like, but does when full of worry tonight when my kid doesn't come home from a new friend play time and it is dark...

    I told him how I was worried, and then later when we were reading together I shared with him your story. Layden is probably like your Daniel...he said "please send her my best and hope her little boy recovers."

    Sending love and strength,
